//console.log( "OMNIBOX MAPBOX", "omnibox-search-1203950259529438964-p" ); ;(function( webletId ) { var jQuery = window.jQuery || window.$; if( window._gmrp && window._gmrp.$ ) { jQuery = window._gmrp.$; } var $beds = jQuery( "#" + webletId + " [name=unibox-bedrooms]" ); var $baths = jQuery( "#" + webletId + " [name=unibox-bathrooms]" ); var $propTypes = jQuery( "#" + webletId + " [name=unibox-prop-types]" ); var $priceMin = jQuery( "#" + webletId + " [name=unibox-price-min]" ); var $priceMax = jQuery( "#" + webletId + " [name=unibox-price-max]" ); var $submit = jQuery( "#" + webletId + " [name=unibox-run]" ); var $ctx = jQuery( "#" + webletId + " [name=unibox-search-context]" ); var $acct = jQuery( "#" + webletId + " [name=unibox-search-account]" ); var $listingType = jQuery( "#" + webletId + " [name=unibox-search-listing-type]" ); var $mapName = jQuery( "#" + webletId + " [name=unibox-search-map]" ); var $region = jQuery( "#" + webletId + " [name=unibox-search-region]" ); var country = "CA" || "CA"; var region = "GV" || "GV"; var initLat = 49.25 || 49.25; var initLng = -123.088 || -123.088; $priceMin.on( "keydown", function(e) { if( e.keyCode == 13 ) { setTimeout( function() { runUnibox(); }, 100 ); } }); $priceMax.on( "keydown", function(e) { if( e.keyCode == 13 ) { setTimeout( function() { runUnibox(); }, 100 ); } }); function runUnibox() { var location = jQuery( "#" + webletId + " [name=unibox-field]" ).data(); var locationValue = jQuery( "#" + webletId + " [name=unibox-field]" ).val(); var beds = $beds.val() || ""; var baths = $baths.val() || ""; var propType = $propTypes.val() || ""; var priceMin = $priceMin.val() || ""; var priceMax = $priceMax.val() || ""; var ctx = $ctx.val() || "recip"; var acct = $acct.val() || "-"; var listingType = $listingType.val() || "AUTO"; var region = $region.val() || ""; var page = "recip.html"; if( ctx == "vow" ) { page = "vow.html"; } var qs = ""; if( ( "GV" == region || "ALBERTA" == region ) && findUniboxDropdownLabel( $submit, "unibox-prop-types" ).indexOf( " (Commercial)" ) != -1 ) { qs += "listingType=AUTO_COMM&"; } else if( listingType && listingType != "AUTO" ) { qs += "listingType=" + listingType + "&"; } if( location && location.properties && location.properties['mls'] ) { qs += "i_mlsnum=" + escape(location.properties['mls']) + "&"; } else if( locationValue && isMLSNumber( locationValue ) ) { qs += "i_mlsnum=" + escape(locationValue) + "&"; } else { if( beds ) { qs += "i_beds=" + escape(beds) + "-" + "&"; } if( baths ) { qs += "i_baths=" + escape(baths) + "-" + "&"; } if( priceMin ) { priceMin = priceMin.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g, '' ); if( !isNaN( parseFloat(priceMin) ) ) { qs += "i_price_from=" + escape( priceMin ) + "&"; } } if( priceMax ) { priceMax = priceMax.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g, '' ); if( !isNaN( parseFloat(priceMax) ) ) { qs += "i_price_to=" + escape( priceMax ) + "&"; } } if( propType ) { if( ( "GV" == region || "ALBERTA" == region ) && findUniboxDropdownLabel( $submit, "unibox-prop-types" ).indexOf( " (Commercial)" ) != -1 ) { qs += "i_prop_type_com=" + escape( propType ) + "&"; } else { qs += "i_prop_type=" + escape( propType ) + "&"; } } if( location ) { if( location.place_name ) { qs += "i_location=" + escape( location.place_name ) + "&"; } if( location.bbox ) { // we are doing lat,lng,lat,lng for backward compat qs += "i_bounds=" + location.bbox[1] + "," + location.bbox[0] + "," + location.bbox[3] + "," + location.bbox[2] + "&"; } else if( location.center ) { qs += "i_place=" + location.center[1] + "," + location.center[0] + "&"; } } } console.log( location, beds, baths, propType, priceMin, priceMax, ctx, acct, listingType, region ); //var url = "/wps/-/noframe~true/" + ctx + "/" + acct + "/idx.search?"; //url += qs; console.log( page + "?autosearch&" + qs ); window.location = page + "?autosearch&" + qs; } function findUniboxDropdownLabel( from, selector ) { return jQuery( from ).closest( ".unibox-search" ).find( "[name=" + selector + "] option:selected" ).text() || ""; } function isMLSNumber( val ) { // mls numbers can be a123456 ab123456 123456 123455a 123456ab ... we allow up to 6 letters and no less // than 6 digits var out = /^\s*[A-Za-z]{0,6}\d{6,}[A-Za-z]{0,6}\s*$/.test(val); if( "DDF" == region ) { out = /^\s*[A-Za-z]{0,6}\d{3,}[A-Za-z]{0,6}\s*$/.test(val); } return out; } function mlsNumberGeocoder( query ) { if( query.indexOf( 'Find MLS\xAE # ' ) == 0 ) { query = query.replace( 'Find MLS\xAE # ', '' ).trim(); } if( isMLSNumber( query ) ) { return [{ center: [0, 0], geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [0, 0] }, place_name: 'Find MLS\xAE # ' + query, place_type: ['coordinate'], properties: { mls : query }, type: 'Feature' }]; } else { return null; } } function CustomGeocoder(options) { MapboxGeocoder.call(this, options ); }; CustomGeocoder.prototype = Object.create( MapboxGeocoder.prototype, { // custom class code here onAdd : { value : function( $el ) { var out = MapboxGeocoder.prototype.onAdd.apply( this, null ); var _this = this; this._inputEl.setAttribute('name','unibox-field'); this._inputEl.classList.add('unibox-field'); this._inputEl.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off' ); this._inputEl.setAttribute('autocorrect', 'off' ); this._inputEl.setAttribute('autocapitalize', 'off' ); this._inputEl.setAttribute('spellcheck','false'); this._inputEl.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { if( e.keyCode == 13 ) { setTimeout( function() { runUnibox(); }, 100 ); } setTimeout( function() { if( e.metaKey && _this._inputEl.value ) { // force for copy and pasted MLS® numbers if (_this._inputEl.value.length >= _this.options.minLength) { _this._geocode(_this._inputEl.value); } } },10); }); this.on( 'result', function( e ) { var result = e.result || e; //console.log( result ); if( result.properties && result.properties['mls'] ) { //page( "/wps/-/tmpl~v2,noframe~true/" + _gmrp.settings["CONTEXT"] + "/" + // _gmrp.settings["ACCOUNT_ID"] + "/mls-" + result.properties['mls'] + "?offmarket=true"); console.log( "mls", result.properties['mls'] ); jQuery( _this._inputEl ).data( result ); } else if( result.bbox ) { //_this.map.fitBounds( result.bbox ); console.log( "bbox", result.bbox ); jQuery( _this._inputEl ).data( result ); } else if( result.center ) { console.log( "center", result.center ); jQuery( _this._inputEl ).data( result ); } }); return out; } } }); CustomGeocoder.prototype.constructor = CustomGeocoder; var $locField = jQuery( "#" + webletId + " input[name=unibox-field]" ); var geocoder = new CustomGeocoder({ accessToken: "pk.eyJ1IjoibXlyZWFscGFnZSIsImEiOiJjamd3dTBvd24wMDV3MnFuOXg2NTB6eDFrIn0.sKvYZK1dR9Jz7VUfTebaAA", country : country, trackProximity : false, // no map, no proximity flyTo: false, proximity : { longitude : initLng, latitude : initLat }, placeholder : $locField.attr( "placeholder" ) || "", //types : 'postcode,district,neighborhood,locality,address', localGeocoder : mlsNumberGeocoder }); var wrapper = geocoder.onAdd( null ); // no map //$locField.parent().addClass( wrapper.className ); $locField.parent().html("").append( jQuery(wrapper).children() ); $submit.on( "click", function() { runUnibox(); }); })( "omnibox-search-1203950259529438964-p" );